FAQs of Abdominoplasty after Weight Loss in Australia
Abdominoplasty after significant weight loss can be a meaningful adjustment, helping individuals address the excess skin and improve muscle tone that often results from substantial weight reduction. In Australia, many people who have successfully lost weight find that despite their efforts, loose skin continues to impact their comfort, and mobility. For these individuals, an abdominoplasty, commonly […]
Why You Need to Stop Smoking When Having Plastic Surgery
Why It Is Important to Stop Smoking Before Your Plastic Surgery Procedures If you are considering plastic surgery, there’s an important step you need to take to ensure optimal outcomes: quitting smoking. While you may have heard that smoking can negatively impact your health in many ways, Sydney Plastic Surgeon, Dr Mark Kohout tells us about […]
Reducing Back Pain with Breast Reduction Surgery: Can Breast Reduction Surgery Help with Back Pain?
The Connection between Back Pain and Overly Large Breasts For some women, overly large breasts can be a source of discomfort and pain, particularly in the back region. The weight of heavy breasts exerts constant pressure on the shoulders, neck, and upper back, potentially leading to chronic pain and other long-term issues. Carrying the extra weight […]
Recovery After Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
Recovery after a breast lift, or mastopexy, requires careful attention to ensure optimal results. The key to a smooth recovery lies in adhering to post-operative care instructions, managing pain effectively, and allowing the body to heal naturally. Many individuals may wonder what to expect during this period, including the duration of recovery and the activities to […]
Tips to Help Maintain Your Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Results
Congratulations on undergoing a tummy tuck procedure. However, the journey doesn’t end there. To ensure the longevity of your results and protect your investment, it’s crucial to adopt certain lifestyle adjustments and how to maintain your abdominoplasty/tummy tuck post surgery. Download Dr Mark Kohout’s Abdominoplasty Guide Here are Dr Mark Kohout’s 6 Top Tips for maintaining the […]
Abdominoplasty Risks and Safety: What You Need to Know
As more people seek cosmetic procedures to achieve their desired physical appearance, abdominoplasty, commonly known as a “tummy tuck” has become an increasingly popular procedure. Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen and tightens the underlying abdominal muscles. Generally, abdominoplasty is performed on patients who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy, […]
Breast Implant Myths and Misconceptions
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in Sydney. Doing your Research is crucial before making a significant surgical decision. This article covers five popular misconceptions about this cosmetic treatment, revealing the reality behind them. Download Dr Mark Kohout’s Breast Augmentation Guide 1. Breast Implants have an artificial appearance and do not feel […]
Choosing Breast Implants – A Guide
One of the most popular cosmetic procedures is breast implant surgery. Many women undergo this operation to reshape their bodies and achieve their desired appearance. Breast augmentation allows individuals to alter the size and shape of their breasts based on personal preferences. However, it’s essential to carefully evaluate whether this surgical procedure is the right choice after […]
Diet After Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck: What to Eat when
If you have just had a tummy tuck surgery (also called abdominoplasty), you probably can’t wait to start feeling normal again. While the recovery process can take some time, one important aspect you’ll need to focus on is your diet and nutrition in the weeks and months following your surgery. Proper nutrition is crucial for healing, maintaining energy […]
Compression Therapy After Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Surgery
Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a well-known cosmetic operation focused on enhancing the look of the stomach. A tummy tuck surgery in Sydney can result in a more toned midsection by eliminating extra skin and fat and tightening the underlying abdominal muscles. Nevertheless, there are difficulties to overcome in the recovery […]
Different Types of Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck Surgeries
Due to the advancements in medical technology and the availability of cosmetic procedures, the demand for tummy tucks in Sydney is increasing among both men and women who wish to improve their abdominal areas. Many people continuously struggle with this particular body area. Factors such as weight fluctuations, pregnancies, or the natural ageing process can all […]
Recovery after Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)
The breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to elevate and reshape hanging breasts, restoring a more youthful and tighter appearance. As women age or experience significant weight fluctuations, the breasts can lose their firmness and elasticity, causing them to become ptotic (droopy). This cosmetic surgery in Sydney aims to counteract the effects of […]
Debunking Myths and Misconceptions About Abdominoplasty
The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, stands as a transformative procedure that has captured the attention of individuals seeking a sculpted and rejuvenated midsection. However, amidst the allure of this body-contouring operation, a plethora of myths and misconceptions about Abdominoplasty have emerged, that obscure reality. Dr. Mark Kohout, debunks common misconceptions about Abdominoplasty, sheds light on the realities […]
5 Key Factors to Consider Before Having an Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Surgery
There is no part of the body quite as frustrating as the stomach. As we experience physical changes like giving birth, fluctuating weight, and getting older, extra skin and fat tend to gather around our midsection. Sadly, for a lot of individuals, both physical activity and dietary changes may not be effective in regaining a youthful […]
Managing Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck Scars
Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck surgery assists patients seeking to remove excess skin after weightloss or pregnancy. While the results can help you achieve a flatter midsection, it’s essential to understand that the procedure will leave a scar. The extent and appearance of your abdominoplasty scar can vary depending on several factors, including the surgical techniques used, […]
Medical Benefits of an Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck Surgery
Understanding Abdominoplasty: Beyond Aesthetic Improvements Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area while also tightening the underlying muscles. Although many women initially consider this surgery for cosmetic reasons, abdominoplasty provides several medical benefits that can significantly improve quality of life. This article explores the many health advantages of undergoing […]
Am I a Good Candidate for Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck?
Considering getting an abdominoplasty in Sydney? Let’s begin with who qualifies for abdominoplasty. Like all plastic surgery operations, a tummy tuck is a personalised procedure that involves more than just flattening the stomach. How can an Abdominoplasty help? A tummy tuck (also referred to as an abdominoplasty) is a great option for people who want to feel […]
Recovery after Abdominoplasty – A Guide and Timeline for Tummy Tuck Recovery
Your Guide to Abdominoplasty: What to Expect Before, During, and After Tummy Tuck Surgery Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is an elective cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. For many patients, it also involves tightening the abdominal muscles, resulting in a firmer and more contoured midsection. […]
Can you Alter Your Chin? – All about Genioplasty
The term ‘genioplasty’ refers to the reduction and addition of material to the chin. Using surgical implants, genioplasty and altering your chin or chin augmentation can alter the underlying structure of the face, providing better balance to the facial features. Genioplasty and altering your chin can also involve the manipulation of the jaw bone using a sliding technique. […]
How to Choose a Good Surgeon
Choosing a good surgeon can be a difficult decision to make, especially with the multitude of doctors and clinics out there. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, so here are some tips to make the process easier. Research, Research, and Research! Research is the only way to find a good surgeon, as it is essential to gain […]