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1300 55 11 51

Breast Procedures 

With Dr. Mark Kohout

Breast Surgery in Sydney

Breast Enlargement

If you are looking to enlarge the size of your breasts, or maybe give them a lift, Dr Kohout has performed thousands of procedures.  Breast enlargement can be performed together with a breast lift and most mastopexy/ augmentation procedures can be performed in a one-stage operation.

There are a number of considerations based on your body shape and the desired outcome and dr. Kohout will guide you through the decision making process

Breast Reduction

While many women wish for bigger breasts, large breasts that cause a number of uncomfortable side-effects, such as shoulder and neck pain, difficulty in fitting clothes and bras, limit your ability to exercise, causing skin rashes an irritation.

Breast reduction surgery can help with some of these issues.

Breast Lift

Increasing the size of breasts is not always the solution to fuller

higher breasts. Often a breast lift , either on its own or combined with implants allow your breasts to sit in a higher position with better projection....

Revision of Breast Implants

... all breast implants eventually need  attention

Breast implants, though pretty robust, will eventually need some care. Over time, the implant shell weakens and may ripple, leak or rupture.  Sometimes, the implant causes fluid to build up around the implant. Sometimes, the implant capsule tightens ( capsular contracture)  and may cause discomfort. 

Or you may simply feel your implants are too small, too large or just not you anymore. Any of these conditions may require the implants to be either removed  or replaced/ corrected.

Nipple Reduction

If you are feeling embarrassed about large nipples, nipple reduction surgery will reduce the size of your nipples enabling you to physically feel more comfortable with the improved proportions.....

Male Breast Surgery

Self-conscious men with large breast tissue, or 'man boobs,' are often affected by perception of male masculinity.

Thankfully, Gynecomastia expert Dr. Mark Kohout can help to correct these concerns.... 

Breast Revision

Breast augmentation revision surgery can deal with problems due to complications from your original breast augmentation procedure or due to wanting to replace or resize the implant you already have...

Look and feel your very best

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