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With Dr. Mark Kohout

Gynecomastia in Sydney

Gynaecomastia surgery  (Man boobs) by Sydney gynaecomastia surgeon, Dr Mark Kohout has helped many men overcome the embarrassment of abnormally large breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is common: up to 40% of men have expressed concern over this condition at some point in their lives.

It can occur for no apparent reason or it can be the result of an imbalance of male and female hormones – testosterone and estrogen, respectively. It can affect one or both breasts, developing as a disc-shaped mound of tissue under the nipples and the areolas – the dark-coloured skin surrounding the nipple.

Gynecomastia is often associated with substantial weight gain and occasionally with the use of anabolic steroids or marijuana. Certain medications can also lead to male breast enlargement.

Dr Kohout’s male gynecomastia surgery clinic reduces excess breast fat and glandular tissue, which the goal of leaving the chest flatter.

Gynecomastia Sydney Surgery

Gynecomastia Sydney Surgery

Psychological Issues

Gynaecomastia is estimated to affect up to 40 percent of men, and it can make them so self-conscious that it impacts on their everyday life as they try to hide the problem beneath oversized shirts.

In a 2014 survey, many men with gynecomastia reported negative feelings about their condition, including anxiety, depression and emasculation. Other research has suggested a link between gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction.

For men like these, finding the right gynecomastia surgeon is the first step in getting  effective  surgery.

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The Procedure

During your gynecomastia Sydney consultation, Dr Kohout will examine your chest to confirm gynecomastia and rule out medical problems. Male breast reduction in Sydney is usually performed under general anaesthesia or sedation. It entails excising glandular tissue and/or liposuction to reduce areas of fat. In some cases, excess skin is also removed. 

Preparing for Your Procedure

Preparation for surgery involves stopping any medication you may be taking that increases the risk of bleeding. If you’re a smoker, you’ll need to stop that too. Gynecomastia surgeons like Dr Kohout, like all the best gynecomastia surgeons, will also advise you to stabilize your weight  before the procedure to help your healing and recovery afterwards.

After the Procedure

You may expect to wear the elastic compression garment for 4-6 weeks  and to reduce your exercise activities for 4 weeks. 

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Are There Any Risks with Gynecomastia


The main risks in Gynaecomastia surgery we need to minimize are the risks of post-operative bleeding. You can help to minimize the possibility of any complications from your surgery by following your surgeon’s instructions and advice.

Male Gynecomastia Surgery Costs

The cost of man boobs surgery varies from patient to patient, depending on factors such as how much fat needs removing. If you have good hospital cover with a private fund, the procedure at Dr Kohout’s gynecomastia Sydney clinic will cost around $9,990, including two  follow-up consultations.

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Right for You?

Gynecomastia surgery can provide a solution if your appearance with enlarged breasts is affecting you.  Healthy men of any age can be good candidates for male breast surgery, especially those with firm skin with good elasticity that will recontour to the chest’s new shape.

Gynecomastia surgery may also provide an improvement to the chest area after substantial weight loss that has resulted in sagging skin.

It’s important to think carefully about men’s breast reduction surgery before going ahead with the surgery, and you should talk it through thoroughly with the best gynecomastia surgeon you can find.

Questions to Ask a Gynecomastia Surgeon

In your search for a gynecomastia surgeon, it may be useful to ask questions such as:

  • What are your qualifications?
  • How many male breast surgical procedures have you performed?
  • Have your patients had any serious complications?
  • What are the satisfaction rates of your gynecomastia patients?

Why Choose Dr Kohout’s Gynecomastia Sydney Clinic?

Gynecomastia is often a major source of embarrassment  distress.  Many men in the Sydney area turn to Dr Kohout’s clinic to end the issue of man boobs. They do this because of the doctor’s clinical expertise and experience and his reputation in the way he interacts with his patients. Dr. Mark Kohout and his team understand that men find it difficult to even discuss male gynecomastia surgery. That’s why we ensure one-on-one, personal consultations to put you at your ease.

Discretion is guaranteed, of course, and we’ll provide all the support you need throughout your gynecomastia journey. Book a consultation with us if you feel ready to take the first step on that journey.

What Can I Expect from My Consultation?

Your initial consultation will include:

  • Take your medical history.
  • Assessment of your current physical and emotional health.
  • Examination of your chest
  • Discussion about your lifestyle.
  • Exploring your aesthetic goals.
  • Addressing any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Explaining male breast reduction cost in Sydney.

Are There Alternatives to Male Gynecomastia


In some cases, gynecomastia symptoms can be improved with non-surgical treatments such as exercise, changing your medication, or medical treatment for abnormal hormone levels. However, man boobs surgery to remove excess breast tissue may be your most effective treatment option.  Breast surgery – usually performed as day surgery – can remove both glandular and fatty tissue to improve your chest shape.

Look and feel your very best

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